Friday, June 22, 2007

Slow going

I've been a bad, non-posting knitalong creator!

I'm about halfway through knitting the front side of the garment. I have to say--this is a wonderfully quick knit. If I were to knuckle down and make this my only knitting project, I could probably finish it within a week.

However, I left this project at my apartment a few days ago, and haven't been back since. This is also why there aren't any pictures in this post (coming soon). AND I've been working on other stuff in addition to Coachella.

My solution? Well, this Sunday, my friend Elaina and I are staking out spots for friends at the Chicago Pride Parade. We're gonna be there from 8:30 or 9:00 am, and the parade won't start until noon or later. That'll be some quality time for (1) applying sunscreen over and over again and (2) knitting more on my Coachella. Pictures will probably follow after that marathon session.